/blasting: patrick park - something pretty
i'm not about to be judged by anybody
i shall fuck whoever i wanna fuck, smoke whenever i wanna smoke, drink when i feel like drinking n sleep around w/ who i wanna sleep w/
i dun really care about e friends lost or friendships broken along e process. i seek to make myself happier, not compromise w/ e morals of society n e high standards we impose on ourselves n others
its a cynical world we're living in, lighten up n enjoy e ride (:
/blasting: toto - africa
damn i brought those bloody pests back w/ me from e rainy n gloomy tekong. i've been having bites all over me everynite. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
f*cking insects f*cking difficult to exterminate. oh yeh, e bottle above costs $20 a pop. so yeh i've spent 60 buckaroos on bedbug holy water ):
walls were sprayed, cupboards cleaned, everything within sight was sprayed sprayed sprayed n disinfected
i think if bambi ever comes in my room n licks my walls she's gonna die from toxic poisoning yeh. hahaha
goddamn those motherf*ckers